Partners and Funders

View all of our partners and funders

BRILLIANT BAMBOO CIC is a member of:


With thanks to the Top Cashback Sustainability Fund and The Community Foundation for Staffordshire. 

Artists and creatives:

Chloe Rickett
Dan Thompson
Encapsulate, website design.
Francesca Wheeler
Jenny Harper, photographer: Taking Root and Imagine Bamboo.
Kim Mountford, MODE Architects.
Katy Stone, production manager: Imagine Bamboo.
Ling Tan, lead artist: Taking Root.
Molly Gould: It’s Effable.
Monica Cru-Hall
Orit Azaz, Independent Artistic Director of Imagine Bamboo.
Philip Eddolls
Rob Fenton, artist and designer: Brilliant Bamboo identity.
Sally Malkin, project manager: Imagine Bamboo.
Su Hurrell
Tarn Aitken

Gemma Thomas
Matt Davies
Susan Clarke

With thanks to Richard Carty as our Business Coach from Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire Growth Hub, and Mark Shaw from Curtis Partnership for accountancy advice.

Partners and contributors for Imagine Bamboo & Taking Root 2020 - 2023:

Orit Azaz

Independent Artistic Director of Imagine Bamboo

All Saints Community Garden

Hector Archila


Michael Brisbane